5 Tips For Training Wait Staff To Increase Sales

Running a Restaurants/Café/Bar is hard work, there is so much that goes in to making it a successful business. 

In these current times it seems like its all doom and gloom, all costs that go in to making a these business run seem to have gone up by astronomical rates. 

  • Energy rates 
  • Delivery costs 
  • Food ingredients 
  • Drinks costs 
  • Wage rises

To name a few 


In this recent article by The Guardian it mentions Closures in the sector rose by 60% with 1,567 insolvencies over 2021-22, up from 984 during 2020-21, according to a study by the advisory firm Mazars.


It’s a startling fact. And we all know that times are difficult. Unfortunately there isn’t too much we can do in the way of reducing many of these costs (as much as we try) so what can you do? 

Well, the good news is some people are still going out to eat and drink. Below are 5 tips to help train the restaurant/café/bar wait staff to sell. We know wait staff aren’t sales people, however there are some easy tweaks you can make to increase spend per head. 


1. Focus on the customer experience. Everyone loves to go back to the restaurant where they have had great service. Ensure that wait staff are aware of the importance of providing a welcoming, nice atmosphere. This isn’t just about the smile they offer as they see the customer walk through the door they need to be knowledgeable about the restaurant’s menu and offerings. There is nothing better than having someone serve you who knows the menu inside and out. Being able to recommend their favourite dish or perhaps a side that works really well with the particular dish they have just ordered.

Imagine you have just ordered the steak but the person serving says something along the lines of “amazing choice, I had that last night and paired it with the parmesan truffle fries and it was the best meal I’ve had in a long time. I recommend getting them as a side” What are the chances you will order the parmesan truffle fries? 

2. Emphasise the importance of upselling. 

Think back to the last time you went to a McDonalds. When you place your order for a Big Mac every time without fail the person taking the order will say “large?” and what do you typically reply? “yes please” Next time you go to a McDonalds think about it, they make it easy for you and almost like it’s not an option. 

You can do this simple trick next time someone orders a Gin and Tonic at the bar, just say the word “Large?” or you can say “Double?” in a questioning manner. I emphasise saying just the word “Large” or just the word “Double” rather than asking “Would you like a large” or “Would you like a single or double” trust me. Try it on the next 10 customers and see the difference. Although it’s said in a questioning tone its more of a statement and doesn’t give other options meaning most people will just agree. This is just an example, and I am in no way encouraging irresponsible drinking but this same technique can be used on anything like fries for example There are many other ways to upsell you just Train wait staff to suggest additional items and encourage customers to purchase complementary items that will enhance their experience. 

3. Teach effective communication techniques. Most Wait staff are excellent at this already but I have noticed in recent years this seems to have dropped off more and more. I tend to find someone coming to the table asking what I would like then leaving. Help wait staff learn to converse with customers in a polite and friendly manner, while actively listening. The difference this can make to a customer has huge potential to encourage them to keep coming back.  

4. Implement a rewards system. Offer incentives to wait staff who excel in selling more, the incentives don’t have to cost the earth to get people engaged in the incentive. I have even seen the incentive of an upgraded staff lunch. This is an easy way to encourage upselling and get the staff understanding that what they sell makes a difference. A small competition between even just 2 waiting staff can make a huge difference.

5. Provide ongoing training. Keep wait staff up to date on product knowledge, menu changes, and other relevant information. Get them trying all dishes and knowing the food / drink / coffee they are selling. 


If you’re thinking of upskilling your restaurant/bar/café staff to sell more and essentially get a higher spend per head get in touch with us today to arrange a training session. 


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