What are the advantages of using a door-to-door sales agency?

Do you need help getting your product or service to potential customers? 
Are you considering using a door-to-door sales agency?
Door-to-door sales agencies can be a great and easy way to reach potential customers cost-effectively.

Many companies need to increase leads and generate more sales. Sometimes the old methods are the ones that work best. Selling products or services door-to-door can really increase brand awareness and sales overnight. 

Take an ISP (internet service provider) for example, you can spend hundreds of thousands (if not more) on online marketing whether that be through social media or paid ads to get visitors to the website. Not to say this doesn’t work and you shouldn’t do it but a more cost-effective way is to get out there and visit the potential customers directly. 

Using a Door to Door sales team gets your product out there, any questions and barriers people may have about buying the product can all be answered right there and then. 
The location you want to target are the precise doors that are being knocked and the sales agents are typically speaking to the right person who can make the decision.

“But I don’t have the time on my hands to set up and train a door-to-door sales team” I hear you say. Well, that’s where we come in. We can fully train our door-to-door sales team to market and sell your product or service in very targeted areas.

“But that’s going to cost me a fortune and what if you don’t get me any customers” I hear you cry. Well, once again Bamboo Sales has you covered. We only take a commission based on each sale we make. It won’t cost you a penny if we don’t sell.

Here are some of the advantages of using a door-to-door sales agency.

1. Convenience: Door-to-door sales agencies make it easy to target customers in specific areas. Instead of spending a lot of time trying to find potential customers, you can hire a door-to-door sales agency to handle the process for you. They can quickly and easily reach customers in specific Towns / Cities, which will save you time and money.

2. Cost-effective: Hiring a door-to-door sales agency is much more cost effective than traditional marketing methods. For example, you don’t have to pay over the odds to get visitors to your website. Instead, you pay for each customer/sale we generate. This makes it much less expensive to reach potential customers.

3. Personalised service: Before sending a team out we will meet with you and gain a full understanding of your business and what you offer. We will pass on all the training to our team to ensure this works. We will also work closely through the length of the campaign sharing stats with you along the way and being completely transparent.  

4 Brand Awareness: While out knocking on doors we can offer more than just door knocking. We can go out dressed in clothing showing your brand and logo we can also ensure that any missed doors have some form of flyer or leaflet left through the letterbox

In summary, we are here to help get you more leads and more sales. We have highly trained professional team members to represent your brand exactly as you would wish.

If this all sounds good to you, drop us a message and get in touch with our friendly team and start increasing your business potential. Alternatively fill out the form below and we will be in touch within 48 hours.

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Bamboo Sales 

15 Queen Square 



0845 8623407