Sales Training For Business

Sales is at the heart of everything we do, so why not pass on our expertise to your team? Whether you have a current sales team or you run a restaurant and want your waiting staff to upsell on all orders, you'd be surprised how much of an increase you can see in sales just from 1 basic sales training session

Why use a Sales Trainer? 

If you run a B2B or B2C business, no matter what industry you are in, in some way shape, or form sales is involved.

Take the example of a restaurant. You wouldn't think of the waiting staff as salespeople (unfortunately, 90% of the time, they are not) however with some simple restaurant sales training, restaurant staff can increase spend per cover day in and day out without coming across as pushy.

In most customer-facing roles your company can benefit from some form of sales training.

How much will Sales Training cost?

The price of sales training can vary depending on how many people you are wanting to put through training and just how many sessions you are looking to do. Please see some of our example sessions and prices below 

Restaurant staff sales training 

  • Introduction half day (up to 10 people) - £200

Experienced sales team training 

  • Sales process structure advanced (up to 5 people) £500

We offer many different sales training programs click the button below to get in touch and find out how we can help.

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Bamboo Sales Ltd

Bamboo Sales 

15 Queen Square 



0845 8623407