Venue Sales Agency 

With connections across some of the UK's best venues and city streets, we are in the perfect position to help you generate more leads and sales for your business.

What is Venue Sales?

Venue Sales is where you are in a particular venue and doing sales from a single location. For example a local shopping centre or a particularly busy street in the town centre. 

Venue Sales can benefit from having a stand with your brand on and is a lot more identifiable. 

Will Door to Door Sales work for my company?

Depending on the product or service you offer Venue Sales will typically work. A few examples of businesses that have great success with Venue Sales are 

  • Paintballing
  • Tv Subscription Services (i.e Netflix)
  • Food Subscription Box
  • Magazine Subscription
  • Activity Providers
  • Electricity Retailers
  • Charities

There are many more examples but anything that individual people or groups of people may want will sell. 

How much will a door to door sales agency cost?

Depending on what you require this can be free

We typically take the risk into our own hands and cover the cost of buying a new stand with your company logo and artwork and also for securing the venues.

In some circumstances, we may ask for a payment upfront but this all varies depending on the locations you want your brand to be seen. 

Get in touch with us and we can work out a full strategy together. Click the link below to get in touch and see just how much of a difference we can make

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Bamboo Sales Ltd

Bamboo Sales 

15 Queen Square 



0845 8623407